This time they've gone too far. Our elected officials are not even given time to read the bills before they are expected to vote. HOWEVER, “We the People” have started to pay more attention. We have even started reading the bills, rather then taking their word for it.
Now they'd like to make you think it's just Republicans that oppose these bills, namely the Health Care bill and the Stimulus Packages. Not true. There are fiscal conservatives in both parties.
JOE LIEBERMAN: I don't agree. Premiums will go up. When people hear "public option" I think they think it's for free. It's not for free. Somebody's going to have to pay for it, and you can bet it's going to be the taxpayers and the people who pay health insurance premiums now.
It's up to us to take what they promise and compare it with what is in the bill that they write. If it doesn't match up (and it won't), then we need to call them on it.
So, if Democrats (the leadership) aren't trying to fix things, then WHAT???
Here's what they do. They create programs that they control. They get as many people addicted to the programs. This is there real voter base. Once you are hooked, you are not going to vote for the person that wants to end your program.
Obama is taking it one step further by creating the circumstances to hasten your move to dependence. Slavery won't come again as a revolution, it will sneak up on you.
No, there's nothing up my sleeve…. or in my pocket…… or my wallet. Progressive seems to means Negative Progress.