Yoga BURN! for Women

Friday, April 17, 2009

Can we be colorblind?

One of the tenets of Conservatism is that policies can only be fair when they are aimed at the individual, not giving weight to one group over the other.

Look at all the different classifications we are grouped into.

My children are the perfect example of our nations "Melting Pot" as it was once called. They are a mixture of their mother's DNA which ranges from African descent to Sioux and Cherokee and mine which is Scottish, Norwegian, German and the like.

On their school applications, under race I checked "other" and wrote in "human."

"Race" is not an accurate label for the divisions within Mankind. We are the human race. If we were truly different races, then we would not be able to inter breed, period.

What separates us is which direction our ancestors moved as they spread out across the globe and which traits were better suited in that area. That is it.

Now we have a government that We the People need to guide away from classifying people and start writing policy that treats all the same. Aside from "special needs" which we only need to be logical about.

I'm speaking generally of course. If two people are in the same situation with the only difference being skin color, then policy written for said situation cannot favor one over the other. PERIOD.

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